Nuneaton & Bedworth

January 2022 Newsletter

Wednesday 26 January 2022

January 2022

As we finally turn our backs on 2021, we can start to look forward to what 2022 has in store for Nuneaton & Bedworth CAMRA.

New Year, New Dawn?

As some might remember, as a thank-you to our neighbours in the Hinckley & Bosworth branch for the support they gave us when we held our first beer festival, we instigated an annual Sporting Challenge for the NH Trophy where the two branches compete against each other in a series of traditional pub games. Unfortunately, we were unable to agree a suitable date in 2019, and 2020 was a non-starter. However, we are pleased to announce that things are looking promising for its return in the coming year.

Celebrate CAMRA’s 50th Anniversary

Nuneaton has a very close association with CAMRA as it was chosen as the location for the campaigns’ very first Annual General Meeting in 1972. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the event, representatives from branches across the West Midlands will converge on the Rose Inn on Saturday 26th March 2022 to reminisce over the last half century of CAMRA’s campaigns.

Pub & Branch News

Alties , having been boarded up for the majority of 2021 has reopened under the careful charge of Kerri Shotton.
Beer Tasting Panel Training (date to be confirmed) To assist with the selection of beers for consideration for the Champion Beer of Britain, CAMRA would like to establish a tasting panel in each of the branch areas. We are in the process of arranging a suitable date for appropriate training to take place. This training will take up to 5 hours, and is an invaluable insight into the current beer styles and tastes. Unfortunately, there will be a small administrative charge for this course. Could all interested members please contact: ku.gro.armac.notaenun@ofni
New Nightclub on the cards An application has been submitted to Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council to reopen the former Fever nightclub. The new club is to be known as Trilogy, part of the Epic pubs group.

2022 Pub of the Year and 2023 Good Beer Guide

There is still time to put forward your nominations for Nuneaton & Bedworth Pub of the Year To nominate a pub, or club email your suggestion to the branch.
Nominations are also being sought for inclusion in the 2023 Good Beer Guide. To be one of the seven entries that are submitted for inclusion in the guide they need to be able to satisfy certain conditions – see Good Beer Guide Selection Guidelines.
Nominations for both Pub of the Year and Good Beer Guide should be emailed to ku.gro.armac.notaenun@ofni with either PoTY or GBG in the subject line Before 31st January 2022.


still exist for the following:

Magazine distributor – to deliver the branch magazine in the Stockingford area (Royal Oak, White Lion, Miners Arms, Sunnyside).
Pubs Officer(s) – to liaise with ALL publicans in the branch area and update CAMRA’s Pub database.
GBG (Good Beer Guide) Co-Ordinator – to ensure CAMRA’s pub database is up to date.
Social Secretary – to organize and publicize branch social events and monthly meetings.

** Please Note that there will be an opportunity to become more involved with the day-to-day running of the Nuneaton & Bedworth branch of CAMRA at our Annual General Meeting on 12th April at the Lord Hop, 8:00pm start.

If you are interested in any of the above positions, please contact: ku.gro.armac.notaenun@ofni