Nuneaton & Bedworth

Pub of the Year & Good Beer Guide 2023 Shortlist

Monday 31 January 2022

Voting has now closed.

Nominees for Nuneaton & Bedworth PoTY (Pub of the Year) and GBG entries

As in previous years, all current GBG entries automatically appear below, plus any pubs that have met the selection criteria from the NBSS analysis tool. Our allocation for the 2023 GBG is 7 pubs (+1 reserve) Guidance can be found in the Good Beer Guide - Selection Guidelines section.

Anker Inn, (Nuneaton)
Bear & Ragged Staff (Bedworth)
Blue Bear (Nuneaton)
Church End Brewery Tap (Nuneaton)
Felix Holt (Nuneaton)
Lord Hop (Nuneaton)
Lord Nelson (Nuneaton)
Prince of Wales (Bedworth)
Rose Inn (Nuneaton)
Salutation (Chapel End)
Weavers Arms (Bulkington)