Nuneaton & Bedworth

February 2022 Newsletter

Monday 28 February 2022

February 2022

Things are slowly returning to what we used to call ‘Normal’ but there is still a long way to go.

New Year, New Dawn?

2021 was a challenging year for the branch with several members of the committee standing down. We are endeavouring to put the past 12 months behind us and hope to bounce back with a new, more positive committee after our AGM in April (fingers crossed).

Celebrate CAMRA’s 50th Anniversary

Nuneaton has a very close association with CAMRA as it was chosen as the location for the campaigns’ very first Annual General Meeting in 1972. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the event, representatives from branches across the East & West Midlands will converge on the Rose Inn on Saturday 26th March 2022 to reminisce over the last half century of CAMRA’s campaign.

Pub & Branch News

Jailhouse to reopen? An application has been submitted to Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council for a variation to the alcohol license for the Jailhouse.
Cricketers Arms , Nuneaton Road, Bedworth has finally been demolished having been closed since 2019

2022 Pub of the Year and 2023 Good Beer Guide

Voting for the branch Pub of the Year has now closed, and the results years will be announced at our AGM in April.
The selection of the entries for the 2023 Good Beer Guide is also complete, but these remain embargoed until the publication of the Good Beer guide in October.
Our thanks go out to all members that submitted beer scores, it makes the selection process much easier.

Annual General Meeting / Vacancies:

At our AGM, scheduled for 12th April, we will be looking for volunteers to fill several committee / branch positions. These will consist of the five core posts - Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership & Social Secretary).
There are also a number of additional support roles that we would like to appoint - Pubs officer(s), Brewery Liaison Officer(s), Magazine sub-editor and Pub protection officer.

There are still openings for Magazine distributors – to deliver the branch magazine in
(i) the Stockingford area (Royal Oak, White Lion, Miners Arms, Sunnyside).
(ii) the Hartshill / Chapel End area (Malt Shovel, Plough, Salutation, Windmill etc.)

If you are interested in any of the above positions, please contact: ku.gro.armac.notaenun@ofni