Nuneaton & Bedworth

August 2023 Newsletter

Friday 1 September 2023

August 2023

The latest news from across our branch.

Latest News from across the Branch

Black Swan in Hand

Cask ales are no longer being served at the Black Swan in Hand. Although the bar sports four hand-pulls, the lack of demand and consequent wastage, has forced them to withdraw real ale from their drinks menu.


We are pleased (and grateful) to hear that the Horseshoes are now offering card carrying CAMRA members 10% discount on their cask ale range.

News from further afield

The Glynne Arms (aka The Crooked House, Himley)

The weekend of 4th – 7th August will probably one that we’ll never forget. It was the weekend that the Glynne Arms at Himley caught fire, under suspicious circumstances, at approximately 10:30pm on the Friday night.

As reported at the time, there had been obstructions placed on the approach road, probably to deter vandals, but had the undesirable effect (?) of preventing fire crews attending the fire.

Saturday & Sunday saw continued efforts by the fire service to limit the damage to the iconic building. However, this was all in vain as an excavator was seen on site on the Monday actively demolishing the fire damaged carcase. It was later learned that advice given to the new owners that full demolition was not required.

Investigations by the fire service, police and the local authority were started into the possible cause of the fire and breaches in planning law. Calls for the building to be reconstructed, brick by brick, echoed throughout the midlands and beyond, with news of the demise of this historic landmark relayed across all corners of the globe.

One upshot of this tragedy is that there are calls for legislation calling for tighter controls on what can, and can’t, be done to pubs (and clubs) without proper planning consent. However, words on paper will never be able to stop the “accidental” wanton destruction by parties who have other interests at heart.


still exist for the following:

Treasurer - to look after the financial aspects of the branch.
Magazine distributor(s) – to deliver the branch magazine to Stockingford / Bedworth / Bulkington / Attleborough areas.
Pubs Officer(s) – to liaise with ALL publicans in the branch area and update CAMRA’s Pub database.
GBG (Good Beer Guide) Co-Ordinator – to ensure CAMRA’s pub database is up to date.
Social Secretary – to organize and publicize branch social events and monthly meetings.

If you are interested in any of the above positions, please contact: ku.gro.armac.notaenun@ofni