Nuneaton & Bedworth

Lord Hop does it again! (updated) - Jul. 2018

Sunday 29 July 2018

Lord Hop, Nuneatons first and only micropub has done it again. Not satisfied with collecting a host of local awards they're going after the big ones.
This time it's Warwickshire Pub of the Year.
Lord Hop Warwickshire PoTY 2018 third place
In presenting the award for third place to Gary Thomas, Jim Witt, CAMRA area organizer for Warwickshire stated that the standard of all the pubs in the competition were of an exceptionally high standard and it was becoming more difficult to distinguish between them.

Well done to Gary, Grace, Dan and all on all they have achieved in the last 2 1/2 years.

Second place was awarded to the 7 Stars in Rugby, and this years Warwickshire Pub of the Year is …

The Old Post Office in Warwick.

Well done to all pubs that were in the competition and many thanks to the judges who visited them all.